The Elusive Samurai Wiki

Sanjuro Yuki (ゆうさんじゅうろう Yūki Sanjūrō?) is a warrior under the command of Hoshina. Some time later it is revealed that he is a member of the Yuki clan and the son of Munehiro.


Sanjuro uses shields and armor when fighting. He usually wears a black hat.

Sanjuro has a friendly face so they tend to think that he is kind and peaceful. Sanjuro has a similar appearance to his father. After his father died, Yuki became a monk by shaving his entire head in his honor.


Sanjuro usually has a kind face so he is usually taken as a friendly person, however his true personality is that of a sadist and masochist since he loves to make people suffer and cause them pain, he has also stated that he likes to kill.

He usually thinks about harming others rather than making a peaceful decision. According to his father, Sanjuro is the only one of his children who understands his interests.[1]


At some point he was recruited by Hoshina to join his army.



  1. The Elusive Samurai: Manga, Chapter 121, Page 1
  2. The Elusive Samurai: Manga, Chapter 121, Page 1

