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Leaving Ise, Akiie's army advances with unstoppable force, but just before reaching Kyoto, they suffer a bitter defeat at the hands of Momoni Tadatsune. However, Kasuga immediately devises a clever plan to stop the Ashikaga's army from pursuing, and Tokiyuki and his men take advantage of this opportunity to cooperate with the Kusunoki clan and regain their footing! Then, with his determination to fight to the death, Akiie musters his remaining strength and challenges his nemesis, Takauji, in a decisive battle!
伊勢を発ち破竹の勢いで攻め上がる顕家軍だったが、京を目前にして高兄弟・桃井直常に痛恨の敗北を喫する。しかし、すぐさま春日が妙策を講じて足利軍の追撃を阻止し、その隙に時行達は楠木党と連携し体勢を立て直す! そして、決死の覚悟を固めた顕家は、残す力を振り絞り凶敵・師直との決戦に挑む──!!
Story Arcs[]
- Main Article: Travel to Kyoto Arc
Author's Comment[]
To be added...