Toki Yorito 1338 (
In the face of Toki Yorito's overwhelming power, even Tokiyuki's escape tactics are ineffective and Akiie's army finds itself in a difficult position. Suddenly, the battlefield is filled with the sound of elegant music, and the departed Akiie returns in all his splendour! The battle, which had turned into a festival at once, is now brought to an imposing conclusion! However, as Tokiyuki and his men cross the Fuwaseki Pass, a freezing assassin from Kyoto stands in their way...!?
土岐頼遠の圧倒的な力の前に、時行の逃げの戦術でさえ通用せず窮地に陥る顕家軍。そんな中、突如戦場に優雅な音楽が鳴り響き、離脱していた顕家が華麗な姿で舞い戻る!? 一気にお祭り騒ぎと化した戦は堂々決着へ!! しかし、続く不破関を越えた時行達の前に、京からの凍てつく刺客が立ちはだかり…!?
Story Arcs[]
- Main Article: Travel to Kyoto Arc
Author's Comment[]
To be added...