Malfunction 1338 (バグ 1338 Bagu 1338?) is the sixteenth volume of The Elusive Samurai manga series.
Kitabatake Akiie’s army, including Tokiyuki’s powerful Hojo clan contingent, begins their westward march on Kyo from Oshu. It will be a long journey and will not go unopposed as forces loyal to Ashikaga Takauji are mobilizing to stop them. Not only will Akiie and Tokiyuki need to contend with ambushes and supply problems along the way, but the army of the renowned warrior Toki Yorito also moves to confront the Oshu army at a place that will one day become famed in Japanese history—Sekigahara.
Having defeated Ienaga and successfully reclaimed Kamakura for the second time, Tokiyuki and his comrades begin their advance towards Kyoto with little time for rest. However, a significant problem within their group escalates into a major incident, threatening their cohesion. Furthermore, the Ashikaga allied forces launch a pincer attack on Akiie’s army, which has reached Aonogahara in Mino Province! The stage is set for a total war against formidable foes, including Sadamune, Nagao, and the immensely strong and chaotic Toki Yorito.
家長を破り二度目の鎌倉奪還を果たした時行達は、休息もわずかに京への進軍を開始する。しかし、一行が抱えるある問題が重大な事件へと発展し瓦解の危機に!? さらに、美濃国青野原に到達した顕家軍に足利連合軍の挟撃策が炸裂! 因縁の強敵・貞宗や長尾、そして支離滅裂な怪力を誇る土岐頼遠との総力戦が幕を開ける!
Story Arcs[]
- Main Article: Travel to Kyoto Arc
Author's Comment[]
To be added...