How a Noble Fights 1337 (
Against Emperor Go-Daigo’s wishes, Ashikaga Takauji has seized Kamakura for himself. After Emperor Go-Daigo declares Takauji a rebel, a series of battles and political machinations result in the unusual situation of there being two emperors, Emperor Komyo in the north and Go-Daigo in the south. Tokiyuki, now in hiding, searches for allies who will help him gain vengeance on Takauji. When the impressive noble Kitabatake Akiie arrives, he demands that Tokiyuki swear fealty to Emperor Go-Daigo. The heir to the Hojo Shogunate finds himself once again forced to make a fateful choice…
Two years after the Nakasendai War, while hiding in Izu, Tokiyuki and his group obtain permission from the Shogun, Akiie Kitabatake, to lift their status as enemies of the state. They set out to confront Takauji, the one they must defeat! Having joined the forces of Kitabatake, now siding with the Southern Court, Tokiyuki participates in a decisive battle against the Ashikaga forces led by the head of the Shiba clan, Magojiro Shiba! How will the newly revitalized Elusive Warriors, having endured two years of patience, showcase their enhanced abilities and accomplishments in this battle with the Ashikaga forces?
中先代の乱から二年後、伊豆に潜伏していた時行達は鎮守府大将軍・北畠顕家から朝敵解除の許しを得て、尊氏討伐へ動き出す! そして南朝方となった時行は曲者ひしめく顕家軍に加入し、斯波家長率いる足利軍との決戦に出陣! 二年間の耐忍を経て一段と成長を遂げた新生逃若党が見せる活躍やいかに――!?
Story Arcs[]
- Main Article: Kitabatake Akiie Arc
Author's Comment[]
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