The Elusive Samurai Wiki
The Elusive Samurai Wiki

The Shinano Arc (信濃しなのへん Shinano-hen?)[1] is the tenth arc in The Elusive Samurai series.

Yorishige and Tokiyuki decide that this is the best time to start their plan to retake the city of Kamakura, so Yorishige decides to gather his entire army to start the Nakasendai War.



Battles & Events[]


  • Nakasendai War


Characters Introduced[]

Story Impact[]

  • Suwa Shrine devises a plan to retake Kamakura by visiting various cities to gather allies and meeting up with Takauji's men.
    • Tokiyuki's plan was based on Takauji as he sent his son to various places to gather allies.
  • The surviving vassals are placed under Tokiyuki's command.
  • Fubuki teaches Tokiyuki a new technique called Two-Fanged Bare Blade.
  • Kiyohara returns from Kyoto with divine power.
    • Thanks to this he is able to design an impenetrable fortress using crossbows.
  • The heir to the Nezu clan is revealed.
  • Tokiyuki reviews the book given by Kusunoki to make a plan against Shokan.
  • The Nakasendai War begins.
  • Shokan and Tokiyuki meet again.
    • Shokan's real name revealed.
    • Shokan dies during his battle against Tokiyuki.
  • Tokitsugu's skill are displayed.
    • Unlike his father, Tokitsugu uses his divine power to enhance the rest of his senses.
    • It is revealed that Tokitsugu feels like his father's shadow.
  • Kiyohara is killed by Hoshina.
  • At the end of the battle, Tokiyuki reveals his identity to his followers.
    • Sadamune, Ichikawa, Tengu and Mitsuyoshi discover Tokiyuki's true identity.
  • Mitsuyoshi travels to Kamakura to inform Tadayoshi of the situation.
    • Tadayoshi informs the Kanto Hisashiban about the situation.
  • Tokiyuki and his party leave Shinano.


  • It was the longest arc of the series until it was surpassed by the following arc, March To Kamakura Arc.
  • This arc covers the Nakasendai War which was an event in July 1335 at the end of Kamakura period.


  1. The Elusive Samurai manga: Chapter 70 (Page 1) (Japanese Version)

Arc Navigation[]

Shinano Arc
List of story arcs

Site Navigation[]

Chapters by Story Arcs
Intro Arc123
Gathering Allies Arc456
Archery Arc78910
Rinji Seizure Arc1112131415
Pincer Arc1617181920212223
VS Kokushi Arc2425262728293031
Verbal Battle Arc3233343536
Confrontation in Shinano Arc37383940414243444546
Kyoto City Arc474849505152535455565758
Shinano Arc5960616263646566676869707172
March To Kamakura Arc73747576777879808182838485868788899091929394959697
Battle in Kamakura Arc9899100101102103104105106107108109110
Intermission Arc111112113114
Kitabatake Akiie Arc115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130
Sporting Competition Arc131132133
Travel to Kyoto Arc134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172
Mysterious Battle Arc173174175176177
Ogasawara Sadamune Arc178179180181182183