The Elusive Samurai Wiki

Yoshisue Shibukawa (しぶかわよしすえ Shibukawa Yoshisue?) was the leader of the first group of Kanto Hisashiban. He was Tadayoshi's brother-in-law as well as the closest person to him.


Shibukawa is a tall person with a normal build. His hair is usually long and with two colors. Although he has been seen with one eye closed, he can open it with no problem.


Shibukawa is a serious person and always likes to follow the rules, he doesn't like people who don't take their work seriously. He likes honor to the point that if a person doesn't treat him with respect or doesn't have honor he will get angry. If a person does not turn out to be as Shibukawa imagines he tends to get angry and will show his true strength and try to finish that person off.


Shibukawa would marry a member of the Hojo clan and they would have a daughter named Yukiko. During the fall of Kamakura, Shibukawa would flee without killing or fighting against the Hojo clan due to being his master's lineage, Tadayoshi would find him and reprimand him for this fact telling him that he is weak, Tadayoshi would tell him to marry his older sister, he would promise a central position in Kamakura as well as his daughter marrying Takauji's son.


  • Enhanced Strength: When angered he is able to use great strength being able to wield a large sword and knock down a horseman with one blow.[1]


  • Senrinagi: It is the name of Shibukawa's sword. Shibukawa usually uses a very long sword that together with a huge force cause great damage to the opponent.


  1. The Elusive Samurai Manga: Chapter 74 Page 19


Kanto Hisashiban
Leader Tadayoshi Ashikaga
Group 1 Yoshisue Shibukawa (Leader)
Group 2 Tsuneie Iwamatsu (Leader) • Noriaki Uesugi (Vice-Leader)
Group 4 Yoriyuki Isshiki (Leader)
Group 6 Mitsuyoshi Kira (Leader)
Group 7 Noriie Ishido (Leader)
Yorikis Magojiro ShibaNorimitsu Imagawa