The Elusive Samurai Wiki

Kiyoko of Settsu (摂津清子, Settsu no Kiyoko) is a minor character in The Elusive Samurai series. She is murdered during the fall of the Kamakura Shogunate.


She was of medium height, with small, piercing brown eyes the same shade as her long, straight hair, and fair skin with somewhat bushy eyebrows and a distinctly round nose. She was seen wearing elegant pink and green kimonos, worthy of a high-class lady with the symbol of her clan.


Kiyoko, being the daughter of a great clan, had certain manners and great pride as a noble. She did not like those of lower ranks to treat Tokiyuki badly, considering them inferior to him. Even so, she could have more carefree behavior with the young Hojo, either scolding him for his escapades or hugging him in front of others, to Tokiyuki's displeasure.

Kiyoko could be considered somewhat shameless by proclaiming herself as Tokiyuki's fiancée without his consent, although she could also behave in a friendly and smiling manner with him, although deep down she only wanted his money, being someone very greedy and somewhat presumptuous, proclaiming herself a distinguished lady of high society.

Kiyoko was seen smiling a lot during her musical practices, wanting to properly train as a lady. She spoke very confidently with her Father, so they could have had a good relationship.


Kiyoko was born into the Settsu clan, part of the allied ranks of the Hojo clan, as vassals of the Shogunate, being the first and possibly only daughter of Chikaaki of Settsu.

At an early age she met and befriended the sons of the Hojo Clan, and later proclaimed herself as the fiancée of Tokiyuki, being the declared future heir and head of the Clan. She lived quietly with all the luxuries that her clan offered her until she was 11 years old, the age at which young women of her time normally began to be educated to be good wives in the future. She wanted to marry Tokiyuki as soon as he assumed command of his clan, thus becoming part of the Hojo clan and receiving his great fortune as a wife.

During the siege of Kamakura under the command of Takauji Ashikaga, enemy forces invaded her home, killing members of her clan, family and servants. Her father, Chikaaki of Settsu, committed seppuku, an honorable death, as did the former Shikken, Hōjō Takatoki, while Kiyoko, unable to escape, was found by enemies in her chambers, who brutally abused her, raping her, due to the marks on her face, it is concluded that the young woman was attacked in an excessively violent and bloody manner before ending her life by murdering her in cold blood, being a tragic and early end to the young woman's life. Kiyoko was remembered by Tokiyuki in his nightmares after the traumatic events of Kamakura, being the last time he sees her in the story. Tokiyuki never thinks or speaks of her again after this.

