The Elusive Samurai Wiki

Kagetada Nagao (ながかげただ Nagao Kagetada?) is a steward of the Uesugi clan.


In 1335, he first appears as an average height, severely underweight young man. After two years of serving as an officer of the Uesugi clan, he has grown to an abnormal height with above average musculature, and is now at a healthy weight.

The text on his clothing reads Early model (しょがた Shokigata?) in 1335, Model 3 (さんがた Sankigata?) in 1337, and Model 4 (よんがた Yonkigata?) in 1340.


As seen in his ability to withstand the selection process that Noriaki Uesugi put him and other townsfolk through, which included imprisonment and exposure to hemp seed and toxic fungus[1], Nagao has a strong desire to survive. He is willing to undergo any experiment as long as he can become stronger for the sake of restoring his fallen clan. He has shown a competitive nature through his rivalry with Kojiro.


He is the sole survivor of the Nagao clan, a family that lost power to the Hojo and was wiped out in the Battle of Hōji. He had been stealing and murdering to support his fallen clan since childhood, and subsequently was captured by Noriaki and used as a subject for experiments.[2]


  • Tsukumo Kuniyuki (くにゆき?) - A blow from his ōdachi after his arm has been injected with the 99th stimulant, a biological enhancement developed by the Uesugi family.[3]


Nagao carries an ōdachi created by the swordsmith Kuniyuki.[4]


  1. The Elusive Samurai Manga: Chapter 84
  2. The Elusive Samurai Manga: Chapter 138
  3. The Elusive Samurai Manga: Chapter 139
  4. The Elusive Samurai Manga: Chapter 131

