The Elusive Samurai Wiki

Shinano-no-kami Kiyohara (きよはらしなののかみ Kiyohara Shinanono Kami?) is the kokushi of Shinano so he is the highest authority in the Shinano territory.


Kiyohara wears traditional clothes due to his position as Kokushi. Before being promoted to this position he wore clothing typical of the Kiyohara clan. He usually paints his face white and black around his eyes, eyebrows, and lips.


Kiyohara is an eccentric person, he usually paints the faces of Sadamune and Ichikawa to make them look more handsome and elegant. He usually acts without thinking about the consequences so he is considered useless when it comes to military strategy.


He was assigned as Kokushi of Shinano by the emperor due to being the only person capable of holding such a position. Due to being assigned as Kokushi he appointed Shinano's Shugo to be his personal bodyguard. After the events of Hoshina's Rebellion Arc he traveled to Kyoto to learn archery and then returned to Shinano for Sadamune to train him. At the end of Confrontation in Shinano Arc, Kiyohara would travel to Kyoto to visit the emperor, meeting Takauji who would give him divine power. In Nakasendai War Arc, using the divine power given by Takauji he made a tank to attack his enemies using crossbows, due to the danger that this would result in, Hoshina would cut off the Kokushi's head, ending his life.


  • Archery: After the events of Hoshina's Rebellion Arc, Kiyohara would learn archery in the Sadamune's words Kiyohara has good aim.
  • Divine Power: After his trip to Kyoto, Kiyohara would gain divine powers which he would use to make plans for a tank that he would use to fight Hojo's army.



